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Lola Mansurov

STEM Workshops and Beyond


Dear brothers and sisters, as you may know from our social media postings, we've organized a few free summer online stem workshops for our children to busy themselves during their time off from school.

Research indicates that while children take a long time off from school during summer, the retention rate of the information gathered from the previous academic year drops significantly. Arming ourselves with this knowledge, we decided to give these science classes a start in cooperation with Tahseen Foundation.

The first two subjects we decided to cover are Pre-Algebra and Middle School Chemistry classes. Alhamdulillah, each class filled up very quickly (each group has been designed to cater to 20 students). With the help of qualified, excellent instructors from the Colorado School of Mines, each student is getting personalized attention and thriving in each subject matter. It warms our hearts to see that our children are eagerly learning many disciplines, including and not limited to spirituality, chess, sciences, etc. The feedback from the parents and students has been remarkable so far.

We also are rolling out online Tarbiya classes, Tajweed, and Classical Arabic (Qur'anic Arabic) courses, which will start towards the middle of August, inshaAllah. Please stay tuned for further announcements; you may want to attend these classes.

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