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  • Lola Mansurov

Help for Morocco Earthquake and Libya Flooding

Updated: Feb 6

بِسْمِاللهِالرَّحْمٰنِالرَّحِيْمِ Bismillāhir-raḥmānir-raḥīm

Our hearts go out to all those impacted by the recent earthquakes in Morocco and flooding in Libya. We can't even begin to imagine the devastation and loss that these natural disasters have caused. At times like these, we must unite and do what we can to support those in need.

Let's pray to one Healer who can heal and relieve pain together. While causes and effects govern this world, Allah Almighty holds the power to heal without any reason. Our faith reminds us that He is the ultimate source of all healing, and we pray for his blessings upon all suffering. May He grant them patience and a swift recovery. If you wish to support those affected by recent natural disasters, please donate to the organizations listed below. Your generosity can make a real difference in the lives of our Libyan and Moroccan brothers and sisters.

May Allah give comfort and strength to those affected and bless those who offer their assistance. Thank you for keeping the people of Libya and Morocco in your thoughts and supporting them during this difficult time.

Jazakallahu Khayran

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